Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I can't wait for Last Thursday. I have such a good feeling whenever I'm there. Good energy all around.

Pink Taco

I finished the first project in Drawing With the Right Side of Your Brain.

Dinosaur Comics is the only thing that makes me laugh out loud (seriously, I totally LOL), CONSISTENLY. Sometimes it's embarrassing.

Muav Limestone

Springtime in Portland is truly a season with ADD. Maybe that's why I like it the best. Unless a late frost kills my pea plants, which will NOT happen, knock on wood.
Today has been a lesson in life. I am not controlling my destiny. I'm letting life happen to me, when I need to be cracking the whip! Whapaaa!!
There is a rainbow outside RIGHT NOW and that is all the sign I need. Didn't even have to look! That's how things work, you just need to pay attention.

So today:
I bought the GeoCache app. on my Iphone. I'm going to start GeoCacheing on my own! It'll be my date-night with myself. I may not even tell anyone I'm doing it for could be fun and empowering to have a secret. I'll start with a few small ones in the neighborhood, then branch out to actual day hikes. I may let Brandon in on it once we go to Guatemala... The next step could be making one of my own :)

A big lazer high-five to
It's my very first shout-out, and I couldn't possibly think of anything more worthy. I still look forward every day to the new episode, and laugh my ass off regularly.